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Get a Norwegian Credit Card today

Bank Norwegian Credit Card

45 interest-free days

Travel Rewards

No Annual Fee

Credit Card Bank Norwegian

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Example: Deferred payment: Effective interest rate 24.4%, NOK 15,000 over 1 year. Cost: NOK 1,849. Total: NOK 16,849.

The Bank Norwegian Credit Card offers a straightforward way to manage your finances while earning valuable rewards. With no annual fee and a generous interest-free period, it’s designed for those who value simplicity and efficiency in their financial products. Whether for daily purchases, travel bookings, or unexpected expenses, this credit card provides the flexibility and benefits to enhance your purchasing power.

Interest and Fees for Bank Norwegian Credit Card

Annual Fee (Årsavgift)0 NOK
Maximum Credit (Högsta kredit)150,000 NOK
Interest Rate (Årlig nominell ränta)21.99%
Effective Interest Rate (Effektiv ränta)24.4%
Interest-Free Period (Räntefritt)Up to 45 days
Card Type (Korttyp)Visa
Withdrawal Fee in Norway (Uttagsavgift i Norge)0 NOK per withdrawal
Withdrawal Fee Abroad (Uttagsavgift Utomlands)0 NOK per withdrawal
Currency Conversion Surcharge (Valutapåslag)1.75%
Paper Invoice Fee (Pappersfaktura)45 NOK (0 NOK for e-invoice/green invoice)
Reminder Fee (Påminnelseavgift)35 NOK
Interest on Arrears (Dröjsmålsränta)Not specified
Payment Protection (Betalskydd)1% of outstanding balance
Dental Insurance (Tandvårdsförsäkring)From 169 NOK/month
Car Rental Excess Insurance (Självriskförsäkring för hyrbil)349 NOK/year
ID Theft Insurance (ID-stöldförsäkring)149 NOK/year
Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit Abroad (Kontantuttag utomlands per dygn)10,000 NOK
Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit in Norway (Kontantuttag i Norge per dygn)3,000 NOK
Online Banking Use (Användning av internetbank)0 NOK for payments and transfers

The Bank Norwegian Credit Card is designed to provide financial flexibility and rewarding features without the burden of annual fees. This card is especially appealing to those who manage their finances wisely, offering up to 45 days of interest-free credit, making it an excellent choice for both everyday purchases and unexpected expenses. With a high credit limit of up to 150,000 NOK, it accommodates larger transactions smoothly, catering to a variety of financial needs.

Key financial terms of the card include a nominal annual interest rate of 21.99% and an effective interest rate of 24.4%, ensuring transparency in borrowing costs. The card’s affiliation with Visa enhances its usability, providing widespread acceptance both domestically and abroad. Moreover, the absence of withdrawal fees for cash transactions within Norway and internationally adds to its value, especially for travelers who need access to cash without extra charges.

Added benefits such as comprehensive insurance options—from travel enhancements to dental coverage—offer peace of mind. Payment protections and innovative security features like ID theft insurance ensure that your financial health is safeguarded.

Bank Norwegian Credit Card Benefits


The Bank Norwegian Credit Card offers a unique opportunity to earn CashPoints, Norwegian’s own currency, which can be used towards future travels. These points start accruing automatically once you link your card to your Reward profile.

Here’s how you can earn and use your CashPoints:

  • Earning CashPoints: The quickest way to accumulate CashPoints is by using your credit card for everyday purchases. You can earn:
    • 0.5% on all purchases, whether in Norway or abroad, including online.
    • 3% on all LowFare tickets from Norwegian.
    • 4% on LowFare+ tickets.
    • 5% on Flex tickets.
  • Using CashPoints: One CashPoint equals one NOK, which can be spent on booking Norwegian flights, additional services like extra baggage, seat reservations, and ticket changes.


As an alternative to CashPoints, you can opt for cashback, which offers a simple, understandable return on your everyday spending. By choosing cashback:

  • You earn 0.5% cashback on regular purchases.
  • Earned cashback can be used at any time to pay down your credit card bill.

Both programs apply a 0.5% earning rate on regular purchases, but the CashPoints option may suit frequent travelers better, while cashback offers more flexibility since it’s not confined to travel-related expenses.

Insurance Benefits

The Bank Norwegian Credit Card comes with an inclusive travel insurance policy, effective as long as at least 50% of your travel costs are charged to the card. The insurance covers:

  • Trip cancellations up to 50,000 NOK.
  • Delays, lost, or delayed baggage.
  • Medical expenses and emergency repatriation.
  • The policy extends to family members and is valid on trips up to 90 days starting and ending in the Nordics.

Optional Comprehensive Year-Round Travel Insurance: For broader coverage, you can opt for the annual travel insurance, which covers all trips, not just those paid with the Bank Norwegian Credit Card.

These benefits ensure that each purchase not only brings financial returns but also contributes towards future savings on travel, making the Bank Norwegian Credit Card a robust tool for both daily spending and travel planning. Whether choosing CashPoints for direct travel rewards or cashback for flexible spending, the card tailors to your lifestyle preferences while offering significant protections during your travels.

Alternatives to Bank Norwegian Credit Card

re:member Black Credit Card

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*Example: Effective interest rate 30.33% based on an example of NOK 15,000 paid down over 12 months. Cost NOK 1,717 Total credit amount will then be NOK 16,717.

Marrow Bank Credit Card

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*Example: You must pay back NOK 12,000 in 12 months, with an effective interest rate of 28.77%. The cost of partial payment is NOK 1,726, which gives a total price of NOK 13,726.

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